Part Time Nanny Position (1 child,
Location: (Texas ) Abilene
Condition: New
Price $ 1.00
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Negotiable: Yes
Product description
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- Provide attentive and responsible care for child (16 months)
- Create a safe and nurturing environment for children to thrive in
- Engage children in age-appropriate activities, play and educational play
- Prepare meals and snacks for children
- Perform light housekeeping tasks related to childcare, such as tidying up toys and cleaning up after meals, child's laundry
- Follow parents' instructions and routines for the children

- Experience caring for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, or school-aged children
- Knowledge of first aid and CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
- Ability to prepare nutritious meals and snacks for children
- Strong communication skills to effectively interact with both children and parents
- Excellent organisational skills to manage schedules and activities
- Patience, creativity, and a positive attitude when working with children

Note: This job description is intended to provide a general overview of the position. Duties, responsibilities, and skills may vary depending on the specific needs of the family or employer.

Job Type: Full-time

Pay: $20.00 - $32.00 per hour

Expected hours: 35 per week

Flexible schedule
Health insurance
Paid time off

Day shift
Monday to Friday

Work Location: In person

Email: petroleuminvestmentint@ gmail.com

Phone number: 3 1 5 8 2 0 2 7 4 1
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