(Onsite) Data Collection: Clip - NY
Location: (New York ) New York
Condition: New
Price $ 0.00
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Negotiable: Yes
Product description
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Exciting Opportunity at OneForma: Join Project Clip Today!

At OneForma, we're inviting you to be a part of our cutting-edge onsite project!

Participants will have the unique opportunity to be part of clips featuring people, pets, and various objects in action. These videos will play a crucial role in enhancing and advancing the technologies behind smartphone cinematic features.

This is an Onsite project that will take place in NYC.

Participants will visit designated locations in NYC to record short 5-20-second video clips. The videos will display people, pets (mainly cats/dogs), and various objects in both indoor and outdoor environments, utilizing Cinematic mode. Onsite coordinators will be in charge of directing and recording. We encourage you to bring along your pets, especially cats or dogs.

Approximately 1 hour

Main Requirements:
- Age: Between 18 and 64 years
- Residence: Currently based in or near NYC
- Willingness to commute to designated indoor or outdoor locations
- Comfortable on camera
- Ability to perform simple actions for the videos (e.g., look to the right, walk away from the camera, speak to a friend, etc.)
- No allergies to the pets that may appear in the video

Earn up to 157 USD!

Interested? Read more at the OneForma website, look for Project Clip NYC, and answer the survey to join!

(A member of our team will be in touch shortly if you meet the requirements!)
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