
Massage Rollers

Massage Rollers

Date of creation: 30/12/16
Condition: new
Negotiable price: No
Location: (California ) Los Angeles

Price: 32.00 $

Seller product description

"At first glance you wonder how in the world hard plastic will relive the tension and not cause more. I was pleasantly surprised at the results. My back and neck felt better and were starting to crack from not being in the right alignment for so long. The best part, is I can use this without any help from someone else. You should gently apply pressure and use the roller 20 times on any given body part. There is even a 100% money back guarantee! I’ve used it for my neck, back, thigh, and even the cramping pain from heel spurs. I love that this can be used to relieve stress and tension and is not a medication I have to ingest. I take enough medications in a day."